15 Apr


* How to make refugee work an antiracist work? *

It is fantastic that numerous groups, activists, citizens, and volunteers are engaged in refugee related projects. Does this fact automatically lead to an antiracist practice? What is needed to avoid paternalism in this context? How far do law and racism limit the scope for individual action? The workshop offers a space for exchange and self-reflection among groups and individuals. It will be held by Nicola Eschen and Youness Belghazi.

Invited are refugee and non-refugee groups, activists and others. The workshop will be held in English, the participants are invited to speak Arabic, Frensh, Spanish, and German. For another language, sign language, care work support, or room conditions and accessibility, please write an e-mail, we are eager to  find a solution.

Location: Die ganze Bäckerei, Josephstraße 12
Date: Friday, 21st April, 5 pm
Money: without
Registration: how_to_antira@posteo.de


06 Dec


*Workshop: Interpreting collective Interprise*

Language is power. If you don’t have access to words, to forms of
expression and to current topics, you will be effectively excluded from
a group. If you don’t know anything about quantum mechanics
(gentrification/ queer theory/ …), you won’t be able to make much of a
presentation about quantum mechanics even if is translated into your
language. Can a talk be called “fully accessible” for everyone because
it is being interpreted into different languages?

In this little workshop, we would like to present our interpreting
collective InterpRISE and talk with you about recurring questions and
problems linked to the topic of interpreting at left-oriented/
emancipatory/ self- organized events. Apart from our perspective as
interpreters, we will include the perspectives of people who use
interpretation. Furthermore, we would like to exchange experiences with
you, the ones who organize events and are interested in interpreting.
Do you provide interpretation for your events? If you do, why – if you
don’t, why not? Whom do you reach and reach out to with the topics you
choose (are there differences?), and whom would you like to reach?

WHERE? Bäckerei, Josephstraße 12
WHEN? Wednesday, December 14th, 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm (informal chat til

The workshop will take place in German. We can provide interpretation
into English and French.

Please let us know whether you will be attending via e-mail:
*interprise@nirgendwo.info*. Please also tell us which language(s) you
would like to use during the workshop.

For more info about the collective, visit:

Interpreting collective Interprise



21 Jul


Women in exile

‘Women in exile’, a group of refugee women from Berlin and Brandenburg, came together about 15 years ago to fight for their rights and against the disrcimnation they face as women and as refugees.

Now they decided to go on a bustour through Germany to visit refugee women all over the country because the situation of many refugee women has become even worse. Under the slogan ‘We are getting louder and louder! Abolish all Lagers!’ they will come to Leipzig as well on the 27th and 28th July. They want to visit women in the camps to protest together loudly against rasicm, sexism, the situation in the camps, deportation and other problems.

Therefore a group of women in Leipzig is trying to organize an event to welcome Women in exile and to get in contact with other women in the lagers to come together for this event. They want to give the space to other refugee women to share their problems, ideas, experiences and opinions. By learning from Women in exile’s experiences they want to think about how to organize themselves and go on in the future.



  • 6 pm Gathering in Bäckerei, Josephstraße 12: Get to know each other and Women in exile. We want to spend a nice evening together while eating and talking together. Furthermore we want to watch a movie about Women in exile.


  • 10 am Visit in the Camps at ‘Alte Messe’ and at ‘Straße des 18. Oktobers’: Painting banners etc.
  • 2 pm Demonstration from the Camps to the Sozialamt (Neues Rathaus)
  • After the demonstration we want to come together in the Villa (Lessingstraße 7) , eat something and talk.

We will be happy to see you, get to know you and to get closer together! Don’t hesitate to take part. Besides childcare and translation will be available for the whole program.

If you want to take part in the preperation you can contact us (via What’s app 0157-80986285) or join our meetings on wednesdays at 3 pm in the Bäckerei (Josephstr. 12) 

WomenInExile – Flyer