* How to make refugee work an antiracist work? *
It is fantastic that numerous groups, activists, citizens, and volunteers are engaged in refugee related projects. Does this fact automatically lead to an antiracist practice? What is needed to avoid paternalism in this context? How far do law and racism limit the scope for individual action? The workshop offers a space for exchange and self-reflection among groups and individuals. It will be held by Nicola Eschen and Youness Belghazi.
Invited are refugee and non-refugee groups, activists and others. The workshop will be held in English, the participants are invited to speak Arabic, Frensh, Spanish, and German. For another language, sign language, care work support, or room conditions and accessibility, please write an e-mail, we are eager to find a solution.
Location: Die ganze Bäckerei, Josephstraße 12
Date: Friday, 21st April, 5 pm
Money: without